CoinVest – High Yield MLM Investment Platform | World Best MLM (Multi Level Marketing) Script
CoinVest – High Yield MLM Investment Platform | World Best MLM (Multi Level Marketing) Script
High Yield MLM
Price : 40$
CoinVest – High Yield MLM `Investment Platform Is an Online Bitcoin Investment Multilevel MLM Platform. Its Fully Responsive & Dynamic Bitcoin Investment Platform Made with Laravel Framework. Now Its Easy to Create your own Bitcoin / Crypto Currency / Currency Investment Platform. Its Just a Matter of five minutes to start your own Investment website. And the man think is that , this script is available in very cheap rate if you buy through AllWebScript INC.
For User & Admin panel, please see full demo before buying. We have mentioned all everything in article.
Demo Details Of CoinVest - High Yield MLM Investment Platform MLM (Multi Level Marketing) Script.
if you want to test CoinVest - High Yield MLM Investment Platform MLM Script then use these following detils for login.
Admin Login Details :
Username: allwebscript
Password: Click here
User Login Details :
Username : allwebscript
Password : demopw
User Area Features :
☲ Fully Responsive Design.
☲ Informative Menus.
☲ Investment Plan.
☲ Investment ROI.
☲ Rebet History.
☲ User to User Transfer.
☲ Matching Income.
☲ Sponsor Bonus.
☲ Payments Proofs.
☲ Video and Statistics.
☲ Secure Login & Registration.
☲ Unique User Dashboard.
☲ Binary Summery.
☲ Network Tree.
☲ Referral Center.
☲ Referral Commission.
☲ Binary Commission.
☲ Automated Add Fund.
☲ Withdraw Management.
☲ Fund Transfer.
☲ Transaction History.
☲ Profile Management.
☲ Support Ticket.
☲ 2FA Security.
☲ Email Notification.
☲ SMS Notification.
☲ And more much.
Admin Area Features :
☲ General Settings.
☲ Investment Plan MANAGEMENT.
☲ Investment Limitation.
☲ Lending Management.
☲ Referal Bonus Setup.
☲ Withdraw Management.
☲ Advertise Log.
☲ Policy & Terms Settings.
☲ Email Template Settings.
☲ SMS Api Settings.
☲ Menu Settings.
☲ Slider Image Settings.
☲ Logo Settings.
☲ Service Management.
☲ Team Management.
☲ Contact Management.
☲ About Management.
☲ Social Management.
☲ Footer Management.
☲ Testimonial Management.
☲ Users Tree Image Management.
☲ Background Images Management.
☲ Withdraw Methods Management.
☲ Withdraw Requests Management.
☲ View Log.
☲ Payment Gateways Management.
☲ Payment Log.
☲ Users Management.
☲ Matching History.
☲ Support Ticket Management.
☲ Commission Settings.
☲ And more much.
Script developing Source :
- Excellent support with a fast response rate.
- Fix any bugs or broken content.
- Help get you setup and installed!
- Secure Database that uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!
- Protects against CSRF attacks!
- HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!
- Built using the latest Strong LARAVEL Framework.
- Passwords are encrypted By bcrypt encryption.
- You should need GMP Extension to run it.
- This article content credit to : BrothersLab
- Thanks for visting….!!
High Yield MLM
Price : 40$
CoinVest – High Yield MLM `Investment Platform Is an Online Bitcoin Investment Multilevel MLM Platform. Its Fully Responsive & Dynamic Bitcoin Investment Platform Made with Laravel Framework. Now Its Easy to Create your own Bitcoin / Crypto Currency / Currency Investment Platform. Its Just a Matter of five minutes to start your own Investment website. And the man think is that , this script is available in very cheap rate if you buy through AllWebScript INC.
For User & Admin panel, please see full demo before buying. We have mentioned all everything in article.